Green technologies use in the smart grid construction in rural power supply systems


Naumov Igor,Podyachikh Sergey,Polkovskaya Marina,Tretyakov Aleksandr


The article considers the using intelligent controls possibility in low-voltage rural electric networks to minimize the unbalance modes consequences. The proposed technology includes the digital data transmission compilation on the electrical energy parameters with a new balancing technical means the electrical network operating mode. Digital feedback is provided for changes the balancing device (BD) parameters by the unbalancing power consumption changing level. Based on the developed methods compilation, software for calculating unbalancing modes has been created, which makes it possible to assess the currents and voltages unbalancing effect on the power quality and its additional losses change. The “green” technology proposed version, which increases the economic and the electric energy environmental safety use in the rural electric power industry, contains a new constructive solution for the balancing device implementation. The proposed technology was tested on the measurement data basis in existing electrical networks. Based on the MALAB technologies use, changes studied indicators visualization in the before and after BD integration in the electrical network was carried out and its analysis was makes. Used on the “neural networks” MALAB technology, a preventive assessment of the unbalancing power consumption events development in the investigated operating electrical network is presented, as well as the proposed technology effectiveness assessment was carried out.


EDP Sciences

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