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2. Development of an updated forecast for the socioeconomic development of the fisheries of the Russian Federation from 2020–2024, Report of the All-Russian Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography on the theme (2019), 42 p.
3. Vladimir Konstantinovich Vinogradov, Materials for the bibliography (FGUP “VNIIPRH”, Moscow, 2007), 55 p.
4. Tyupakov K.E., Bershickij Yu.I., Akimov E.B., Economic aspects of formation and development of pond fish farming in the Central Federal District, in: Collection of scientific works of 6th All-Russ. Sci. and pract. Conf. Issues and prospects of social and economic development of Southern Russia (Adygei State University) (ElIT publishing house, Majkop, 2020), 178 p.
5. Voloshin G.A., Akimov E.B., To the question of the optimal size of pond farms/Actual problems in modern science: theory and practice, Coll. of papers (Megapolis, Moscow, 2018), 57 p.