Winarsih Sri,Sukardi Sukardi,Wachid Mochammad,Ismayawati Ayu Diawi
One of the chemical elements found in coffee is caffeine, which is the second-largest secondary metabolite after chlorogenic acid. Robusta coffee has a higher caffeine content than Arabica. Low-caffeine coffee is an alternative choice for people who are aware to negative effects of caffeine. Process caffeine reduction was carried out in this reseerach by using the maceration method, soxhletation and microwave exposure with dichloromethane, ethyl acetate and water as solvents. Soxhletationee caffeine content was originally 2.2 % after caffeine was extracted using the soxhletation method using 15 % ethyl acetate solvent, coffee caffeine content was 0.87 %, antioxidant activity (IC 50) was 1 867 mg L-1, total flavonoids were 420.3 mg L-1, lightness 45.7, redness is 2.3 and yellowness 10. The reduction of caffeine content in coffee beans is influenced by the method and duration of extraction as well as the solvent used to dissolve the caffeine.
Reference30 articles.
1. Ministry of Agriculture. Outlook Komoditas Perkebunan Kopi 2022 [Outlook of Coffee Plantation Commodity 2022]. Jakarta: Pusat Data dan Sistem Informasi Pertanian, Sekretariat Jenderal – Kementrian Pertanian (2022). p.100 [in Bahasa Indonesia]