Supply Chain Analysis of Raw Materials for the Seaweed Industry (Eucheuma cottonii) in the PT. Bantimurung Indah area


Sanny Hutabarat Olly,Haerani Haerani,Adelia Ristanti


Seaweed stands out as a significant mariculture commodity with substantial economic potential, contributing to the advancement of the national economy. The supply chain represents the seamless integration of company activities, collaboratively producing semi-finished to finished products and facilitating their delivery to end consumers. This study utilizes research interviews to gather data, following the systematic stages of seaweed supply chain analysis. The primary objective of this research is to gain insights into the operational mechanisms and efficiency of the seaweed supply chain within PT. Bantimurung Indah. The key components of this supply chain include seaweed farmers, suppliers, retailers, and seaweed exporters, collectively referred to as seaweed suppliers. Notably, seaweed farmers, suppliers, retailers, and exporters form the main circuit, consolidated under the umbrella term “seaweed suppliers.” The calculated total marketing margin for seaweed amounts to IDR 5,900 per kg, with a comprehensive profit of IDR 3,650 per kg and total costs of IDR 2,250 per kg. The percentage of the price received by farmers (farmer share) is 70.5%. The seaweed supply chain in the PT. Bantimurung Indah attains classification as efficient, given that the FS percentage exceeds 70%.


EDP Sciences







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