Awareness of patients with metabolic syndrome about the role of the main components of this syndrome, their application to doctors and following recommendations


Badritdinova Matluba,Nurilloeva Shakhodat,Naimov Dilshod,Yazmuradov Farkhod,Atoeva Muniskhon


Development of proposals and recommendations for reducing the risks of metabolic syndrome among the population based on multicomponent analysis and development of an innovative program for non-drug treatment and prevention of metabolic syndrome, including a software product. The survey was conducted among the unorganized population of the city of Bukhara. At the same time, to study the dynamics of distribution and levels of the main components of MS, 2 groups of people were examined. The first group - 797 people were examined in 2006 (materials of a population study of the inhabitants of Bukhara). After 15 years, 702 more people were examined under the same program (with additions). Both times, the research program included the identification of the main components of MS. The presented data showed that among the examined groups there is a significant underestimation of arterial hypertension, as well as overweight and obesity as risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. The high frequency of arterial hypertension and overweight among the category of patients who consider increased weight to be an insignificant risk factor, and in other cases, which are not a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, indicates an urgent need to increase public awareness of risk factors. There is a lack of public awareness about the metabolic syndrome, its main components and the harm they cause to health. At the same time, the attitude of the population to their health and the fulfillment of the corresponding prescriptions of doctors require the development of new methods and methods for primary and secondary prevention. There is a direct relationship to patient awareness of an objective assessment of health status, and on the other hand, to the state of the main metabolic ingredients. The most inadequate attitude takes place among young people.


EDP Sciences







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