Kubentayev Serik,Gemejiyeva Nadezhda,Mukhtubaeva Saule,Razhanov Medeu,Izbastina Klara
The results of resource studies of economically valuable species of medicinal plants of the Western Altai (East Kazakhstan region) growing on the territory of 7 forestry municipal state institutions (FMSI) are presented: Zyryanovsk, Ridder, Pikhtovskoye, Cheremshanskoye, Malubinskoye, Verkh-Ubinskoye and Ust-Kamenogorsk. Western Altai occupies the right bank of the Irtysh, includes the interfluve of the Uba, Bukhtarma and Narym and is represented by a system of mountain ranges in the northern part of the Kazakhstan Altai. The operational reserves and volumes of possible procurement of raw materials of 8 species of medicinal plants were taken into account. For specific thickets of sites or model samples, raw material reserves were recorded. Traditional geobotanical methods were used to describe plant communities involving resource objects. For four species, the presence of commercial thickets with a supply of air-dried raw materials was established. from 300 to 2000 tons: Veratrum lobelianum, Sanguisorba officinalis, Filipendula ulmaria, Epilobium angustifolium. For other species, raw material reserves varied from 1 to 65 tons: Aconitum leucostomum, Inula helenium, Achillea millefolium, Bupleurum multinerve. The raw material base of the identified species of medicinal plants in the territory East Kazakhstan region is able to meet the needs of the domestic pharmaceutical industry.