The Application of Business Partnerships in The Modern Retail Market in Helping the Continuity of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises After the Pandemic Covid-19 in Sibolga City


Mardi Rina Walmiaty,Siregar Indra,Asmalidar


The Covid-19 pandemic that occurred in 2022-2022 has had a huge effect on various sectors of human life. The economic sector is one of the sectors that are very largely affected. In the last 2022 study, researchers have conducted research on the business model of partnership relationships between modern retail businesses and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Medan City. The goal is to find a form of mutually beneficial partnership between modern retail businesses and MSME players in an effort to maintain MSME business continuity. The result obtained is the need for ease of partnership requirements, flexible payment systems, and fulfillment of goods supply standards. This PTPI theme research pilots the application of the partnership model between MSMEs and retail businesses after the COVID-19 pandemic as a result of previous research conducted in Medan City to Sibolga City. After the implementation, an evaluation was carried out through the questionnaire method and also interviews with MSMEs and modern retail businesses in Sibolga City. The questionnaire is used to measure the level of satisfaction, using the Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) model. The results of the questionnaire and interviews were discussed in the Forum Group Discussion (FGD) to see the suitability of the partnership relationship model between MSMEs and modern retail businesses in Sibolga City which was the result of previous research in Medan City. The results of the research and FGD show that the MSME partnership relationship that applies in Medan City is also suitable to be applied in Sibolga City.


EDP Sciences

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