Reforming legislation in prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency


Ryabova Elena Nikolayevna,Savinov Leonid Ivanovich,Bondarenko Dmitrii Vladimirovich,Cherkasova Tatyana Vladimirovna


The article represents the results of the analysis of modern legal regulation of the system for prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency in the Russian Federation and activity of commissions for juvenile affairs and juvenile rights protection as the main authority of that system. Relevance and immediacy of changes and reforming of legislation in the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency and areas of such activity are associated with the needs of the modern informational society. The authors analyze regulatory legal acts governing the activity of commissions for juvenile affairs and juvenile rights protection, proposals of executive authorities of constituents of the Russian Federation in the practicability of developing a concept of federal law on prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency and rights’ protection and they characterize primary trends in the activity of this authority in order to define further perspectives of activity within the system of prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency in Russia. Methodological support of the research are such methods of scientific cognition as analysis and synthesis, comparative-legal, formally legal, analysis of documents, legal modeling, survey, which allowed for a comprehensive approach to the research of this problem. The result of the research was reasoned conclusions on the practicability of reforming authorities and legal relations in the system of prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency. Models are given for the modernization of commissions for juvenile affairs and juvenile rights protection. The results ensure conceptual basis and trends in the development of proposals for improvement of legal regulatory regulation of social relations in the prevention of asocial behavior and juvenile delinquency.


EDP Sciences

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