Priority of stimulating creative work in innovation management in the stage of globalization


Luchyk Svitlana,Semykina Maryna,Zapirchenko Liudmyla,Luchyk Vasil,Semykina Anna


Research background: It is substantiated that outdated motivational management in practice hampers the tasks of accelerated innovative development of domestic enterprises. This leads to the destruction of motives for the development of innovations, the spread of poverty among workers, in particular among developers of new ideas and innovations. Purpose of the article: The article is devoted to the problems of modeling the process of motivational regulation of innovative activity of employees at the enterprise. Methods: Our conceptual provisions based on analysis and generalization of data of statistics of economic activity of innovatively active enterprises of Ukraine. Practical experience of personnel management based on motivational management, results of sociological surveys of personnel and involvement of experts’ conclusions the level of economic activity of staff and creativity in work. Findings & Value added: The proposed model of motivational regulation of innovation activity of employees is based on the mandatory identification and consideration of priority factors that enhance the incentive effect of remuneration for the creative component of work, increase innovation activity of staff and enterprises in general, increase its profitability, and competitiveness. The peculiarity of the presented model is its flexibility in the choice of motivational regulators depending on the goals of the enterprise, the presence of a block of choice of motivational priorities in regulating innovation, the possibility of adjusting its effectiveness taking into account the efficiency of innovation in the enterprise and the internal and external environment.


EDP Sciences

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