Synoptic maps from two viewpoints. Preparing for maps from SDO/HMI and SO/PHI data


Loeschl P.,Hirzberger J.,Solanki S.K.,Schou J.,Valori G.


Over recent decades, various kinds of magnetic synoptic chart products have seen major improvements in observation cadence, resolution, and processing, but their creation is still limited by the 27.27 day rotation rate of the solar surface. Co-observation from a second vantage point away from the Earth--Sun line with enables the creation of combined magnetic synoptic maps from observation periods that are significantly shorter than a typical Carrington rotation, and therefore provides a data product with magnetic information that is temporally more consistent. We upgraded the synoptic map pipeline in order for it to be compatible with observations at variable distances and a much lower and variable observation cadence. This enabled us to produce combined magnetic synoptic maps using data taken from the far side of the Sun. We present a pipeline to produce combined magnetic synoptic maps from simultaneous and observations. Depending on the orbital position of our combined synoptic maps can be produced up to 13 days faster than any other comparable data product currently available. This strongly reduces the time-lag between the observations that are used to build the map and thereby provides a more consistent map of the magnetic field across the solar surface.


International Max Planck Research School for Solar System Science at the University of Göttingen

Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt

Max Planck Gesellschaft


EDP Sciences


Space and Planetary Science,Astronomy and Astrophysics







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