Nitrogen loading increases both algal and non-algal turbidity in subtropical shallow mesocosms: Implication for nutrient management


He HuORCID,Zhang Lei,Ning Xiaoyu,Mao Zhigang,Jeppesen Erik


Excess nitrogen (N) loading in summer often boosts phytoplankton growth and increase algal turbidity. In eutrophic shallow lakes, the increased algal production may also augment the abundance of deposit-feeding tubificid worms and thereby sediment resuspension and non-algal turbidity. However, few studies have explored the effects of high N loading on this benthic process in eutrophic shallow lakes. Here, we conducted an outdoor mesocosm experiment in a summer-winter season (177 days) on the shore of subtropical Lake Taihu, China. Each mesocosm contained a 10 cm layer of lake sediment and 450 L of lake water. Nitrate was added weekly to three of the mesocosms, while another three functioned as controls. Our results showed that N addition significantly increased algal particles as water chlorophyll a (Chl-a) increased significantly following N addition. Moreover, significantly higher levels of inorganic suspended solids (ISS) were observed in the mesocosms with added N, indicating elevation of non-algal turbidity as well by the N addition. We attribute the latter to increased sediment resuspension as the abundance of tubificid worms was significantly higher in the N addition mesocosms. Accordingly, our study indicates that high N loading in subtropical shallow lakes may boost both algal and non-algal turbidity in part via benthic-pelagic coupling processes. Our results suggest that alleviation of eutrophication in shallow eutrophic lakes may require a strategic approach to adequately control both N and phosphorus.


National Natural Science Foundation of China


EDP Sciences


Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law,Nature and Landscape Conservation,Water Science and Technology,Ecology,Aquatic Science







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