Global solar photospheric and coronal magnetic field over activity cycles 21–25


Petrie Gordon J. D.ORCID


The evolution of the global solar magnetic field from the beginning of cycle 21 (mid-1970s) until the currently-ascending cycle 25 is described using photospheric full-disk and synoptic magnetograms from NSO Kitt Peak Vacuum Telescope (KPVT) 512-channel and Spectromagnetograph (SPMG) and the Synoptic Optical Long-term Investigation of the Sun (SOLIS) Vector Spectro-Magnetograph (VSM) and Global Oscillations Network Group (GONG), and Stanford University’s Wilcox Solar Observatory (WSO). The evolving strength and symmetry of the global coronal field are described by potential-field source-surface models decomposed into axisymmetric and non-axisymmetric, and even- and odd-ordered magnetic multipoles. The overall weakness of the global solar magnetic field since cycle 23 splits the 50-year observing window into the stronger, simpler, more hemispherically symmetric cycles 21 and 22 and the weaker, more complex cycles 23 and 24. An anomalously large decrease in the global solar field strength occurred during cycles 23, and an anomalously weak axial/polar field resulted from that cycle, accompanied by an anomalously weak radial interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) during cycle 23 activity minimum and a weakened radial IMF overall since cycle 23. The general long-term decline in solar field strength and the development during cycle 24 of strong swings of hemispheric and polar asymmetry are analyzed in detail, including their transfer through global coronal structural changes to dominate mean in situ interplanetary field measurements for several years. Although more symmetric than cycle 24, the rise phase of cycle 25 began with the southern leading the northern hemisphere, but the north has recovered to lead this cycle’s polar field reversal. The mean polar flux (poleward of ±60°) has reversed at each pole, so far more symmetrically than the cycle 23 and 24 polar reversals.


EDP Sciences







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