Miwa Koji,Nanamura Takuya,Sakao Tamao,Ahn J. K.,Akazawa Y.,Aramaki T.,Ashikaga S.,Callier S.,Chiga N.,Chiga N.,Choi S. W.,Ekawa H.,Evtoukhovitch P.,Fujioka N.,Fujita M.,Gogami T.,Harada T.,Hasegawa S.,Hayakawa S. H.,Honda R.,Hoshino S.,Hosomi K.,Ichikawa M.,Ichikawa Y.,Ieiri M.,Ikedai M.,Imai K.,Ishikawa Y.,Ishimoto S.,Jung W. S.,Kajikawa S.,Kanauchi H.,Kanda H.,Kitaoka T.,Kang B. M.,Kawai H.,Kim S. H.,Kobayashi K.,Koike T.,Matsuda K.,Matsumoto Y.,Nagao S.,Nagatomi R.,Nakada Y.,Nakagawa M.,Nakamura I.,Naruki M.,Ozawa S.,Raux L.,Rogers T. G.,Sakaguchi A.,Sako H.,Sato S.,Shiozaki T.,Shirotori K.,Suzuki K. N.,Suzuki S.,Tabata M.,Taille C. d. L.,Takahashi H.,Takahashi T.,Takahashi T. N.,Tamura H.,Tanaka M.,Tanida K.,Tsamalaidze Z.,Ukai M.,Umetsu H.,Wada S.,Yamamoto T. O.,Yoshida J.,Yoshimura K.
A new hyperon-proton scattering experiment, dubbed J-PARC E40, was performed to measure differential cross sections of the Σ+p, Σ−p elastic scatterings and the Σ−p → Λn scattering by identifying a lot of Σ particles in the momentum ranging from 0.4 to 0.8 GeV/c produced by the π±p → K+Σ± reactions. We successfully measured the differential cross sections of these three channels with a drastically improved accuracy with a fine angular step. These new data will become important experimental constraints to improve the theories of the two-body baryon-baryon interactions. Following this success, we proposed a new experiment to measure the differential cross sections and spin observables by using a highly polarized Λ beam for providing quantitative information on the ΛN interaction. The results of three Σp channels and future prospects of the Λp scattering experiment are described.