A new operating mode in experiments searching for free neutron-antineutron oscillations based on coherent neutron and antineutron mirror reflections


Nesvizhevsky V.V.,Gudkov V.,Protasov K.V.,Snow W.M.,Voronin A.Yu.


An observation of neutron-antineutron oscillations (n - n¯), which violate both B and B - L by 2 units, would constitute a fundamental discovery and contribute to our understanding of the baryon asymmetry of the universe. A sufficiently stringent upper constraint on this process would also make a major contribution by ruling out the possibility of post-sphaleron baryogenesis (PSB) involving first-generation quarks, which would mean that sphaleron transitions at the electroweak scale are essential for baryogenesis within the Sakharov paradigm. We show that one can design an experiment with free n using existing or projected neutron sources that can reach the sensitivity needed to rule out PSB if one allows the n and n¯, with sufficiently small tangential velocity, to coherently reflect from n/n¯ mirrors composed of certain nuclei. We show that the sensitivity of a future experiment can be greatly improved, and a more compact and less expensive apparatus can be realized. A sensitivity gain of ~ 104 in the oscillation probability relative to the existing free-n limit can be reached if one is willing to adopt a long flight path with a horizontal guide viewing a cold neutron source, or a significantly shorter flight path with a vertical guide viewing a very cold neutron source.


EDP Sciences

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