Abstract. Relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions offer a unique possibility for studying nuclear matter under the influence of high temperature and pressure. During the collision a system of interacting nucleons, resonances, and mesons, called hadronic fireball, is created. HADES is a unique experiment capable of simultaneously measuring all three species of pions for this energy regime. Results on neutral pion production in Ag + Ag collisions at √SNN = 2.55 GeV (beam energy 1.58 A GeV) with 14 billion collected events will be presented. A measurement of a directed and elliptic flow, and yields of neutral pions corrected for detector acceptance and efficiency will be shown with respect to transverse momentum and rapidity for certain centrality classes; and further compared with the data, and charged pion data measured in the same experiment. In addition, the obtained results will be confronted with up-to-date model calculations.