Measuring the 15O(α, γ)19Ne reaction in Type I X-ray bursts using the GADGET II TPC: Hardware


Wheeler Tyler,Adams A.,Allmond J.,Alvarez Pol H.,Argo E.,Ayyad Y.,Bardayan D.,Bazin D.,Budner T.,Chen A.,Chipps K.,Davids B.,Dopfer J.,Friedman M.,Fynbo H.,Grzywacz R.,Jose J.,Liang J.,Mahajan R.,Pain S.,Pérez-Loureiro D.,Pollacco E.,Psaltis A.,Ravishankar S.,Rogers A.,Schaedig L.,Sun L. J.,Surbrook J.,Weghorn L.,Wrede C.


Sensitivity studies have shown that the 15O(α, γ)19Ne reaction is the most important reaction rate uncertainty affecting the shape of light curves from Type I X-ray bursts. This reaction is dominated by the 4.03 MeV resonance in 19Ne. Previous measurements by our group have shown that this state is populated in the decay sequence of 20Mg. A single 20Mg(βp α)15O event through the key 15O(α, γ)19Ne resonance yields a characteristic signature: the emission of a proton and alpha particle. To achieve the granularity necessary for the identification of this signature, we have upgraded the Proton Detector of the Gaseous Detector with Germanium Tagging (GADGET) into a time projection chamber to form the GADGET II detection system. GADGET II has been fully constructed, and is entering the testing phase.


EDP Sciences


General Medicine

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