1. Application of Kalman filtering to track and vertex fitting
2. Simultaneous pattern recognition and track fitting by the Kalman filtering method
3. Rousseau D.,
Amrouche S.,
Calafiura P.,
Estrade V.,
Farrell S.,
Ger-main C.,
Gligorov V.,
Golling T.,
Gray H.,
Guyon I. et al.,
TrackML Challenge,
https://sites.google.com/site/trackmlparticle/home (2018)
4. Rousseau D.,
Amrouche S.,
Calafiura P.,
Estrade V.,
Farrell S.,
Germain C.,
Gligorov V.,
Golling T.,
Gray H.,
Guyon I.
et al.,
Accuracy phase of the TrackML Challenge on Kaggle
5. Rousseau D.,
Amrouche S.,
Calafiura P.,
Estrade V.,
Farrell S.,
Germain C.,
Gligorov V.,
Golling T.,
Gray H.,
Guyon I. et al.,
Throughput phase of the TrackML Challenge on Codalab,