1. K.U. Köhler, P. Andrzejewski, E. Julius, H. Haubrich,Steelmaking Conference Proceedings ISS78(1995) 445-450
2. LTV Steel, Indiana Harbor Works, Internal Reports, 1998-2001
3. S. Kunstreich, P.H. Dauby,European Conference on Continuous Casting4(2002) 489-499
4. M.B. Assar, P.H. Dauby, G.D. Lawson, Opening the Black Box: PIV and MFC measurements in a Continuous Casting Mold, Steelmaking Conference Proceedings, ISS, Baltimore, 2000, p. 397-411, Also published as Voyage dans une lingotière de coulée continue, Revue de Métallurgie-CIT, April 2001, p. 353-366
5. P.H. Dauby, W.H. Emling, R. Sobolewski, Lubrication in the mold: a multiple variable system, I&SM, 1986, p. 26-36