Logachov A.,Mogulskii A.,Yambartsev A.
We consider a class of variable length Markov chains with a binary alphabet in which context tree is defined by adding finite trees with uniformly bounded height to the vertices of an infinite comb tree. Such type of Markov chain models the spike neuron patterns and also extends the class of persistent random walks. The main interest is the limiting properties of the empirical distribution of symbols from the alphabet. We obtain the strong law of large numbers, central limit theorem, and exact asymptotics for large and moderate deviations. The presence of an intrinsic renewal structure is the subject of discussion in the literature. Proofs are based on the construction of a renewals of the chain and the applying corresponding properties of the compound (or generalized) renewal processes.
Basic Research Program of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
USP project Mathematics, computation, language and the brain, FAPESP project Research, Innovation and Dissemination Center for Neuromathematics grant
Statistics and Probability