1. Slovak Technical Standard - STN 73 6209, Proof load tests of bridge, SUTN Bratislava, (1993)
2. Final Report from Proof Load Test, SO 242 - 00 Bridge on D3 in km 25,140 from Svrčinovec to Polish border, University of Žilina, Slovakia, (2017)
3. EN 1991-2: Eurocode 1: Actions on structures - Part 2: Traffic loads on bridges, European Committee for Standardisation (2003)
4. Final Report from Proof Load Test, SO 206 - 00 Footbridge and special vehicles crossing in Turčianske Kľačany, University of Žilina, Slovakia, (2016)
5. Final Report from Proof Load Test of the SO 205-00 Bridge on railway track n. 174 over the road I/72 in km 2,059 Zbojská, University of Žilina, Slovakia, (2015)