1. Modelling mechanical properties of the multilayer composite materials with the polyamide core
2. Domek G., Kołodziej A., Wilczyński M., Krawiec P., The problem of cooperation of a flat belts with elements of mechatronic systems 55th International Scientific Conference on Experimental Stress Analysis EAN 2017, 706-711 (2017)
3. Krawiec P., Domek G., Adamiec J., Waluś K., Warguła Ł., The proposal of estimation method of mating between pulleys and cogbelt 55th International Scientific Conference on Experimental Stress Analysis EAN 2017, 740-747 (2017)
4. Domek G., Kołodziej A., Woźniak T., Kwiatkowski R., The Effect of the Pulley Quality on the Accuracy of the Timing Belt Movement. Transport Means 2016. Proceedings of the 20th International Scientific Conference, October 5-7, 2016, Kaunas University of Technology, Juodkrante, Lithuania, Part 2, 420-423 (2016)
5. Analysis of the influence of the cutting edge geometry on parameters of the perforation process for conveyor and transmission belts