The Correlation Between Intensity and Objectives of Using The Internet Towards Students Learning Achievement Using Apriori Algorithm


Kapita Syarifuddin N.,Tempola Firman,Mubarak Abdul,Sirajuddin Hairil Kurniadi,Idrus Nurfirsta


Internet is a basic need for everyone, including students. The internet can be used as a means to improve a student's learning achievement or vice versa, if the use of the internet is excessive. So that 3 categories were taken, including intensity, purpose of internet use and student GPA. This study aims to see the correlation between the intensity and purpose of internet use and student learning achievement which is implemented in a web-based system. The method used in this research is apriori method, which is a method for finding patterns or correlations between items. Data taken with a total of 100 data. The results of this study resulted in a combination of the goal item set, intensity and GPA along with the association rules. The highest item obtained was social media with a value of 64 and for the correlations of the correlation between intensity, goal and student GPA, the 3 highest association rules were obtained as follows: 'Online Game, Rare Intensity → Low GPA' with a confidence value 100, 'Very Frequent Intensity, Search Engine →GPA Medium' with a confidence value 85.71 and 'social media, Frequent Intensity→High GPA 'with a confidence value 41.38.


EDP Sciences


General Medicine

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