1. Rybak A.T., Teorija i metodologija raschjota i proektirovanija sistem privodov tehnologicheskih mashin i agregatov APK. Dokt. Diss. (Rostov-on-Don, 2011)
2. Rybak A.T., Gidromekhanicheskie sistemy. Modelirovanie i raschet: monograph, (Gos. Tekh. Univ., Rostov-on, 2008)
3. Rybak A.T., Boguslavskiy I.V., Vestnik of the DSTU, 276 (2010)
4. Rybak A.T., Actual directions of scientific research of the XXI century: theory and practice, VGLTU, Voronezh, 9-3 (20-2), 385 (2015)
5. Rybak A.T., Proc. Int. Sc.-Techn. Sc.-Meth. Conf.: Hydrogasodynamics, hydraulic machines and hydropneumatic systems, 186 (2006)