1. Jatsun S., Savin S., Lushnikov B., Yatsun A., ITM Web of Conferences, 6 (2016).
2. Study of Controlled Motion of Exoskeleton Moving from Sitting to Standing Position
3. Jatsun S.F., Vorochaeva L. Yu., Yatsun A.S., Savin S.I., International Conference on CLAWAR, 175–182 (2015)
4. Jatsun S.F., Savin S.I., Yatsun A.S., Turlapov R.N., 26th DAAAM Intern. Symp. on Intelligent Manufacturing and Automation, 107–112 (2015)
5. Jatsun S., Malchikov A., Yatsun A., 22nd International Conference on Vibroengineering, 8 (2016)