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2. RODOS re-engineering: aims and implementation details
3. Johannessen O.M., Volkov V.A., Pettersson L.M., Maderich V.S., Zheleznyak M.J., Gao Y., Bobylev L.P., Stepanov A., Neelov V., Tishkov V.P., Nielsen S.P. (2009)Radioactivity and pollution in the Nordic Seas and Arctic Region: observations, modelling and simulations.Springer, Series: Springer Praxis Books, ISBN: 978-3-540-24232-1.
4. Kolomeev M., Madsen H. (2002)Description of RETRACE: A new catchment model of the hydrological dispersion module in the RODOS systemRODOS(RA5)-TN(01)-09, Report of FP5 DAONEM Project FIKR-CT-2000-00025, FZK Karlsuhe. – 32 p.
5. POSEIDON/RODOS models for radiological assessment of marine environment after accidental releases: application to coastal areas of the Baltic, Black and North Seas