1. Lab. of Soil and Water Engineering Dep. of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Troy NY 12180
2. SIMBIOS Centre; Abertay Univ.; Kydd Bldg., 40 Bell St. Dundee DD1 1HG Scotland UK
3. Plants, Soils and Climate Dep.; Utah State Univ.; 4820 Old Main Hill Logan UT 84322-4820
4. Institute for Resource Information Sciences; Bradfield Hall, Cornell Univ. Ithaca NY 14850
5. Hydromechanics and Water Resources Engineering Lab. Dep. of Civil and Materials Engineering (MC 246); Univ. of Illinois at Chicago; 842 W. Taylor St. Chicago IL 60607-7023
6. Dep. of Agricultural Engineering; Univ. of Costa Rica; San Jose Costa Rica
7. Lab. of Soil Microbiology Dep. of Soils; Federal Univ. of Rio Grande do Sul; Bento Goncalves Porto Alegre RS Brazil