Protective Alumina Coatings by Low Temperature Metalorganic Chemical Vapour Deposition


Şovar Maria Magdalena1,Samelor Diane1,Gleizes Alain1,Alphonse P.2,Perisanu S.3,Vahlas C.1



2. Université Paul Sabatier

3. Politehnica Universtity of Bucharest


Alumina thin films were processed by MOCVD from aluminium tri-iso-propoxide, with N2 as a carrier gas, occasional addition of water in the gas phase, deposition temperature in the range 350-700°C, total pressure 0.67 kPa (2 kPa when water was used). The films do not diffract Xray when prepared below 700°C. At 700°C, they start to crystallize as γ-alumina. EDS, EPMA, ERDA, RBS, FTIR and TGA revealed that films prepared in the range 350-415°C, without water in the gas phase, have an overall composition Al2O3-x(OH)2x, with x tending to 0 with increasing temperature. Al2O3 is obtained above 415°C. When water is added in the gas phase, the film composition is Al2O3, even below 415°C. Coatings deposited in these conditions show promising protection properties.


Trans Tech Publications, Ltd.


General Engineering

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