1. Tajen University
2. National Sun Yat-Sen University,
3. Tajen University,
This study analysis the national determinant in the coffee consumption. The final dataset includes 136 countries and nine variables, coffee consumption, GDP, the number of vehicles per capita, and electricity consumption, education, tourism spending, literacy, drinking water quality population density, and the average life expectancy which are all collected from global international independent institutes. In our research, we use the regression model to interpret what the determinant can predict the coffee consumption in a country. We further discussed our research in descriptive statistics analysis, stepwise regression analysis, control some variables, and also multivariate regression analysis. The result showed that the economic factor, i.e. the GDP, play the most important role in the coffee consumption and significantly. The R-Sq (Adj) for this regression model was 59.1%.
Trans Tech Publications, Ltd.
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