Simulation Research on Motion Law of Arresting Hook during Landing


Zhu Qi Dan1,Meng Xue1,Zhang Zhi1


1. Harbin Engineering University


The key of a safety landing is the arresting hook can engage an arresting wire. Thus, research on motion law of arresting hook during landing is essential. The construction features and function of typical arresting hook installation is studied. Take into consideration the influence on collision process produced by the deck friction in order to build an actual model of arresting hook during landing. So we can use the model to study the motion law of arresting hook during landing for the sake of supplying a beneficial reference to design of arresting hook and successful engagement with an arresting wire. Simulation results show that the value of height of first hook bounce diminishes linearly with increasing values of coefficient of friction and increases linearly with increasing values of sinking speed. Therefore, we should consider the deck friction in an arresting hook collision which is available for designing a reasonable damper and must ensure the value of sinking speed in a reasonable range to satisfy the condition of engagement with arresting gear.


Trans Tech Publications, Ltd.

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