
Idak Yu.ORCID,


Morphological content is a fundamental concept denoting the formal and essential aspects of objects in the realm of morphology. Such a concept encourages a multifaceted analysis and understanding of the form and structure capable of embracing elements in the surrounding world. In the context of urban planning, morphological content serves as a crucial tool for analyzing and interpreting the formal expression of a city and its structural elements. It encompasses the collection of things, connections, attributes, properties, and processes that define the substantive aspects of urban structure and are within the purview of morphology. To specify the nature and domain of knowledge enrichment, ontological foundations of morphological content related to understanding its essence and association with morphology as a form of scientific knowledge are considered. It is established that to study morphological content, it is necessary to depart from the essential characteristics of the formal properties of the object and rely on scientifically grounded theoretical and methodological principles of morphology established in other fields of knowledge, such as biology and philology. To investigate morphological content in urban planning, a methodological concept is formulated in the form of three axioms. The first axiom indicates that a city should be regarded as a static system with a structural feature that captures unchanging formal characteristics at a particular moment in time, based on the formal properties of systemic integrity. The second axiom states that the carrier of morphological content in a city is the material structure expressed by a multitude of elements interacting in a specific order, revealing systemic properties complemented by essential formal features. The material structure of a city is formed by a set of elements and components within the framework of urban planning, contingent upon various factors at the levels of their external and internal manifestations. The third axiom concerning the morphological nature of the material structure of a city, which represents the ability to possess a set of formal characteristics characterizing limitations, organization, adaptability, development, complexity, and maturity, reflects the substantive boundaries of morphological knowledge within the scope of morphology.


Lviv Polytechnic National University


Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine

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