The road network traffic capacity taking into account public transport stops layout method


Medvediev IevgenORCID, ,Soroka SergiyORCID,


The vigorous motorization process is taking place in a growing number of countries year by year, and the number of people involved in road traffic is constantly increasing. The growth of the vehicle fleet and the volume of transportation lead to an increase in traffic that in the context of cities with a historical build-up leads to a traffic problem. It is particularly acute at the junctions of the road network. There is an increase in transport delays, queues, and congestion, causing reduce in speed, excessive fuel consumption, and increased wear-out of vehicle components and assemblies. These questions are constantly analyzed both in theoretical and practical terms. Today, the negative effects of motorization cannot be eliminated, and effective measures need to be developed to reduce their negative impact on the urban environment. An irrational location of public transport stops leads to a significant increase in transport delays. Respectively, the objective is to determine the optimal layout of the public transport stops on the street network, taking into account the existing and designed traffic conditions.


Lviv Polytechnic National University







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