The influence of important factors on the distribution of heat flows in elements of drum brakes of vehicles


Hudz HustavORCID, ,Hlobchak MykhailoORCID,


The movement of motor vehicles at high speeds is impossible without a braking system capable of ensuring high braking efficiency. It has been established that the most unstable link of the braking system is the brake mechanism, since from the energy point of view, braking with friction brakes is the process of converting part of the mechanical energy of the motor vehicle into heat. Braking is a long process during which many counterbody parameters change, in particular, thermophysical parameters due to temperature changes, friction coefficient, etc. If, under these circumstances, the surface and volume temperatures exceed the permissible values, then the frictional properties of the friction pairs and the conditions of the interaction of the parts change, which leads to a change in the characteristics of the brake mechanisms and the brake system as a whole. The standards of most countries and international prescriptions regulate braking performance meters not only for one-time emergency braking with cold brakes but also for emergency braking performed after the conversion of a given amount of energy into heat during a given time. It was found that the preservation of the necessary braking efficiency after the conversion of a given amount of energy into heat will be ensured only if the braking system has sufficient energy capacity. The object of the research is the distribution of heat flows in the elements of the brake mechanism, which determine the critical temperature of the friction surfaces. It was established that F. Charron's formula cannot correctly estimate such a distribution due to taking into account only the thermophysical properties of materials of friction pairs. It is shown that the influence of the design parameters of the brake and its modes of operation on the distribution of heat flows in the drum brake of a motor vehicle can also be estimated on grid thermal models with the involvement of the "Fourier-2xyz" software complex.


Lviv Polytechnic National University


General Medicine

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