Development of the Emotional Sphere of Senior Preschoolers in Conditions of Pedagogical Support


Brel Elena1


1. Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University


The research featured some peculiarities of the development of the emotional sphere in senior preschoolers and their positive changes in conditions of pedagogical support. The research objective was to study the possibilities of developing the emotional sphere of older preschool children in conditions of pedagogical support. The article describes the specifics of emotional development at preschool age, such as uneven development of recognition, expression, and regulation of emotional states. The author declares the necessity for organizing pedagogical support for the development of the emotional sphere in a preschool educational organization. The article introduces forms and methods of pedagogical support of senior preschoolers based on activities that improve their interaction experience with adults and peers. Such support makes it possible to develop emotional sphere in three directions: understanding emotions, expressing emotions, and regulating emotions.


Kemerovo State University


General Medicine

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