Calculating Costs of Engineering Obstacle Installations as Part of Engineering and Technical Protection Disciplines


Gavrishev Aleksey1ORCID




Specialists in technical information security deal with the physical security of various industrial objects. This article introduces a new method for approximating costs of installing a concertina razor wire obstacle. The method can be implemented as part of information security disciplines. The research involved a review of academic sources, scientific publications, and regulatory documents, which showed that courses of information security and engineering hardly ever cover the issue of costs calculation. The author developed a method for approximate calculation of the costs of installing reinforced barbed wire in its single-level concertina razor variant, including a simplified training sample for a hypothetical protected object. The results obtained can be applied as part of courses of engineering and information security, e.g., as laboratory tasks, tutorials, or research projects. The results may also be of interest to technical specialists involved in the engineering and technical data protection at various facilities that require physical security.


Kemerovo State University

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