Distance Education vs. Face-to-Face Education


Ershteyn Leonid1


1. Glazov State Pedagogical Institute named after V.G. Korolenko


The article deals with the experience of distance education during the COVID-19 pandemic. The author used on-line questionnaires to describe distance learning and proved that formal distance education cannot be carried out without the teacher as a transmitter of information. In fact, the teacher has as many as fourteen different functions in the academic process. The author used this list to analyze face-to-face, distance synchronous, and distance asynchronous education modes. Asynchronous distance education proved to be able to provide most of these functions. Distance education per se separates the teacher and the student both in space and time. As a result, distance education is impossible if the curriculum involves training with special tools or body work. Since one of these elements is always present, formal education cannot be exclusively remote. Distance education is fundamentally different from full-time face-to-face education. For it to be effective, it cannot be implemented as full-time education. The research creates practical grounds for designing effective methods of distance education in the future.


Kemerovo State University


General Medicine

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