Digital Economy in Engineering as a Basis for Future Competences in the Process of Industrial Plant Management


Грабова Ольга1,Grabova Olga2,Грабов Антон3,Grabov Anton4


1. Костромской государственный университет

2. Kostroma State University

3. Костромская государственная сельскохозяйственная академия

4. Kostroma State Agricultural Academy


The article focuses on the issue of economic competences formation in digital economy for engineering education. The systematic approach is considered to be the key method to solve this issue. The authors describe the essence of digital economy and the model of its influence on social-economic dynamics and economic relationships. The article underlines the analytical importance of reproduction processes tendencies in economic relationships and institutions under current conditions of the fourth industrial revolution. These reproduction processes affect the field of education. Under current conditions of international exchange and economic relationships, Russia implements the unprofitable and futile model where exhaustible natural rent is exchanged for intellectual assets that consist of information and communication production and technologies. The paper introduces a digital economy module for engineering education. It works in the system of higher education in the Federal State Educational standards 3++ format. The paper describes the formation principles, competence, and didactic content of this module. The basic formation principles of the module include: a) the priority of National digital technologies which confirmed their efficiency on the Russian Market; b) traineeship and professional development in the field of digital economics.


Kemerovo State University


Applied Mathematics,General Mathematics

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