1. [1] Federal Communications Commission, “Second report and order, revision of part no.15,” FCC 04-285, ET. Docket no.98-153, 2004.
2. [2] Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications of Japan (MIC), “Summary of progress on UWB technical study in Japan,” Sept. 2005.
3. [3] Electronic Communications Committee (ECC), “Report of the ECC decision in the 11th meeting of ECC,” Sept. 2005.
4. Performance of ultra-wideband communications in the presence of interference
5. [5] D.K. Borah, R. Jana, and A. Stamoulis, “Performance evaluation of IEEE 802.11a wireless LANs in the presence of ultra-wideband interference,” IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2003), no.1, pp.83-87, March 2003.