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2. [2] J. Jeong, Y. Shen, and Z. Xiang, “Vehicular neighbor discovery for IP-based vehicular networks,” IETF draft, draft-jeong-ipwave-vehicular-neighbor-discovery-11, Feb. 2021.
3. [3] R. Moskowitz, T. Heer, P. Jokela, and T. Henderson, “Host identity protocol version 2 (HIPv2),” IETF, RFC 7401, April 2015. 10.17487/rfc7401
4. [4] D. Farinacci, V. Fuller, D. Meyer, and D. Lewis, “The locator/ID separation protocol (LISP),” IETF, RFC 6830, Jan. 2013. 10.17487/rfc6830
5. [5] R.J. Atkinson and S.N. Bhatti, “Identifier-locator network protocol (ILNP) architectural description,” IETF, RFC 6740, Nov. 2012. 10.17487/rfc6740