Assessment of the influence of irregularities and the model of the rail track on the dynamic qualities of a freight car


Bogdanovich Alesya1,Saidova Alina1


1. Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University


Objective: compare the requirements of documents RD 32.68-96 and PNST 511-2020 regarding the assignment of unevenness of rail threads during computer modeling of railway crews. To evaluate the influence of irregularities and the model of the rail track on the dynamic qualities of a freight car when moving along straight and curved sections. Methods: a review and analysis of various standards for calculated track irregularities (RD 32.68-96 and PNST 511-2020), as well as an assessment of the influence of the rail track model on dynamic qualities of a freight car, allowed to form the most representative calculation cases for modeling the movement of a railway carriage along a track of various designs (straight, curved sections) and conduct a study of the dynamics of a freight car in a specialized environment the Universal Mechanism software package. Results: a comparison of different regulatory documents used in the Russian Federation and the current standards for calculated track irregularities has been carried out. Computer modeling methods have been used to obtain histograms of various indicators for a universal gondola car mounted on bogies of model 18-100 when moving along a path of various designs. Practical importance: the obtained results of the work can later be used to develop the theoretical foundations of the national standard on railway track irregularities for modeling the movement of rolling stock.


Petersburg State Transport University

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