Actual Issues in Cargo and Commercial Work at Railway Stations


Magomedova Natal'ya1,Han Vladimir1


1. Rostov State Transport University (RSTU)


Purpose: To consider the issue of interaction between carriers and counterparties using new approaches aimed at attracting customers to the transport services market, with the creation of a single mechanism based on digitalization. Methods: A number of works explore the issues of the location of warehouse areas. In them, the task is solved by various methods, such as the heuristic definition of the “center of gravity” for enterprises, the multi-criteria Choquet integral, the method of hierarchy analysis consisting in pairwise comparisons, as well as the author’s methods of economic and geographical modeling of transport systems, reflecting the geometric idea of the approach in transport and logistics research with the differentiation of “areas of influence”. Results: The necessity of creating a single mechanism of interaction between the carrier and the counterparty is indicated. The implementation of the set aspects is played by the nature of transportation, taking into account the nomenclature of goods. Preference should be directed to mass categories. In solving the set goals, it is possible to use the method of linear programming (equality). The necessity of conducting an additional study of the conjuncture of an economic entity has been identified. Practical significance: The necessity of creating a single digital platform for interaction of participants in the transportation process is shown, the implementation of which will speed up the process of solving problems aimed at using new tools that contribute to improving the work of an economic entity. The presented schemes of the location of warehouses can be recommended for practical use.


Petersburg State Transport University


General Medicine

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