1. [1] Matsumura, I., Nezu, K., Aboshi, M., Niwakawa, M., Kawabata, T. and Tabayashi, S., "Basic Study of Image Based Contactless Measurement of Overhead Contact Line Position," presented at the 2013 Annual Meeting I.E.E. Japan, Nagoya, Japan, March 20-23, 2013, No.5-135, pp.232-233 (part 5) (in Japanese).
2. [2] Matsumura, I., Nezu, K., Fukutani, T., Niwakawa, M., Kawabata, T. and Tabayashi, S., "Image Based Measurement System of Overhead Contact Line Position," presented at the 2013 IEE-Japan Industry Applications Society Conference, Yamaguchi, Japan, August 28-30, 2013, No.5-8, pp.V-131-134 (in Japanese).
3. [3] Matsumura, I. and Nezu, K., "Image Based Tension Force Estimation of Messenger Wire," presented at the 2014 Annual Meeting I.E.E. Japan, Ehime, Japan, March 18-20, 2014, No.5-113, pp.194-195 (part 5) (in Japanese).