Radical resection of intramedullary spinal cord tumors in adults


Cooper Paul R.,Epstein Fred


✓ The management of patients with intramedullary spinal cord tumors is controversial. In the past, these tumors have often been treated with biopsy or subtotal removal followed by irradiation — a therapy that is usually associated with early tumor recurrence and progressive neurological impairment. In an attempt to improve on the outcome of patients with intramedullary tumors, the authors performed radical resection in most of the 29 adult patients who had surgery for these tumors within the past 30 months. The mean duration of symptoms was 9½ years, and all patients presented because of progressive neurological deficit. Patients were evaluated with metrizamide myelography-computerized tomography scanning and intraoperative ultrasound imaging to define the site of the tumor and cystic components. There were 14 ependymomas, 11 astrocytomas, two lipomas, and one case each of intramedullary fibrosis and astrogliosis. Solid tumor spanned a mean of five spinal cord segments and 16 tumors were associated with cysts. Twenty tumors were in the cervical and/or cervicothoracic regions. Total removal was achieved in 14 patients and “99% removal” in seven others. In 21 of 29 patients (72%), the neurological condition was stabilized or improved as a result of the operation. Postoperative deterioration occurred for the most part in patients who could not walk or who had minimal motor function at the time of operation, and these patients are no longer considered as operative candidates. Radical resection of intramedullary tumors can be achieved, with stabilization or improvement of neurological deficit in the majority of patients.


Journal of Neurosurgery Publishing Group (JNSPG)

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