Reasons For Enrolment In The Kindergarten And The Parents' Satisfaction With The Specific Elements Of The Kindergarten/Razlozi upisa i zadovoljstvo roditelja pojedinim elementima rada dječjeg vrtića


Hadela Jasmina,Rončević Nena,Pergar Melita


The importance of the partnership between the parents and the kindergarten is indisputable and there are a number of works which explore the topic of the collaboration between the parents and the preschool teachers. However, there is a lack of studies that examine the parents perception of the satisfaction with the specific elements of the kindergarten, which is an important predictor for a high-quality partnership, in the present and in the future. In accordance with the aforementioned, the goal of this research is to determine the level of the parents satisfaction with the specific elements of the kindergarten, as well as the reasons for the enrolment of children in the kindergarten. The research participants are the parents (N=132) of the children in early childhood and the preschool children who are enrolled in the kindergartens established by the units of the local self-government in the Međimurje County. The results show that the parents are predominantly satisfied with the kindergarten, and the childrens social and emotional development is highlighted as the reason for the childrens enrolment in the educational institution. Key words: communication; space; the parents attitudes; partnership with the kindergartenVažnost partnerstva roditelja i dječjeg vrtića je neupitna te postoje mnoga istraživanja i radovi koji se bave pitanjem suradnje roditelja i odgajatelja. Međutim, manji je broj istraživanja koja ukazuju na percepciju zadovoljstva određenim elementima dječjeg vrtića od strane roditelja to je svakako važan prediktor kvalitetnog partnerstva, kako u sadanjosti tako i budućnosti. Sukladno tome, cilj je ovog istraživanja bio utvrditi u kojoj su mjeri roditelji zadovoljni pojedinim elementima rada dječjeg vrtića te koji su razlozi upisa djeteta u dječji vrtić. U istraživanju su sudjelovali roditelji (N=132) djece rane i predkolske dobi koja su polaznici dječjih vrtića čiji su osnivači lokalne jedinice u Međimurskoj županiji.Rezultati ukazuju kako su roditelji uglavnom zadovoljni dječjim vrtićem, a kao razloge upisa djeteta u odgojno-obrazovnu ustanovu procjenjuju one koji se odnose na socijalni i emocionalni razvoj djeteta.Ključne riječi: komunikacija; prostor; stavovi roditelja; partnerstvo s vrtićem


Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb









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