1. Inorganic Materials Research Program, School of Physical and Chemical Sciences, Queensland University of Technology, GPO Box 2434, Brisbane Queensland 4001, Australia
The selection of five naturally occurring selenite minerals that contain two different transition metal ions, Cu2+ and Co2+ could be distinguished by near infrared spectroscopy. Dependence of composition on spectral properties is a key to mineral identification and differentiation of the members of the selenite group. The nature of the band positions and splitting of band components in the electronic spectra of Cu2+ selenites in the region 12,400–8000 cm−1 are in conformity with octahedral geometry distortion. The two split components which are observed for the Co2+ band near 9000 cm−1 in cobaltomenites are considered as the vibrational satellites of spin-allowed transition 4T1g(F)→4T2g(F). Bands observed at 6950 cm−1, 6810 cm−1 and 6700 cm−1 are the overtones of OH stretches of structural water in selenites and a strong absorption feature near 6700 cm−1 is the result of hydrogen bonding between (SeO3)2– and H2O. These bands are shifted in cobaltomenites. A sharp absorption band at 5170 cm−1 is a common feature in all the spectra of selenite minerals and is the contribution by the combinations of the OH vibrations of water molecules, ν3 and ν1. A series of overlapping bands around 4500 and 4100 cm−1 is the result of the combination of the vibrational modes of (SeO3)2– ion in the minerals.
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