A retrospective analysis of the annual allergen sensitization detected during skin testing in children aged 3-17 years was performed. Significant positive data were more frequently (p 0.01) detected after testing for indoor (70.2%), food (72.7%) and pollen allergens (67.9%) compared to epidermal allergens (58.6%). Sensitization to house dust (43.6%) and library dust (25.7%), guinea pig hair (22.6%), cat hair (21.8%), horse dandruff (19.6%), sheep wool (16.8%), as well as pollen of trees (82.4%), meadow grasses (64.0%) and weeds (64.1%) was most common in group of inhaled allergens. Skin testing in the group of food allergens revealed that children were more sensitized to chicken eggs, fish, milk, chicken and wheat. Among food cereals, peak percentage of positive reactions was observed for wheat (9.9%) and barley groats (9.1%) compared to oatmeal (4.4%), rye flour (5.0%) and buckwheat (5.6%). While assessing the data in all allergen groups it was found that low positive reaction with 2-3 mm blister in diameter was most common. The frequency of detected positive data for all allergen groups varied markedly on different calendar months and also depended on allergen preparation batch. Intensity of reactions did not significantly differ in children with allergic diseases vs. those at risk of developing allergopathology.
Immunology,General Medicine
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