Frozen shoulder(Avabahuka) is a shoulder ailment that denotes dysfunction in the arm. Sage Sushrut has considered Frozen shoulder(Avabahuka) and bodily humor disease (Vata Vyadhi). Frozen shoulder hampers a person’s day to day activities. With a frozen shoulder, the range of motion of the shoulder joint is limited. Administering oil through the nasal route (Nasya karma) is mentioned in Ayurvedic Scriptures for managing disorders of the above head and neck (Urdhwajatrugata rogas). Thermal microcautery (Agnika arma) is a parasurgical procedure for treating related pathologies of bodily humor (Vata and Kapha). In the modern world, physiotherapy and exercise are the chosen lines of treatment. With this context in mind, our study will aim to compare the efficacy of Honey Thermal micro cautery (Kshoudra Agni karma) versus Standard Physiotherapy versus cordifolia oil via nasal administration in the treatment of frozen shoulder to find out the best among these three in terms of providing relief from the complaints.
Primary objectives of this study are firstly to evaluate the efficacy of Honey thermal micro cautery (Kshoudra Agnikarma) on VAS, R.O.M., S.P.A.D.I secondly to evaluate the efficacy of Standard Physiotherapy on VAS, R.O.M., S.P.A.D.I. thirdly evaluate the efficacy of Sida cordifolia oil via nasal administration (Shudhabala Taila Nasya) on VAS, R.O.M., S.P.A.D.I. and lastly To compare the efficacy of Honey thermal micro cautery (Kshoudra Agnikarma), Standard Physiotherapy, Sida cordifolia oil via nasal administration (Shudhabala Taila Nasya) on VAS, R.O.M., S.P.A.D.I. The secondary objective is to study the sustained relief individually in all three groups.
For this study, we will enrol 60 patients. Group A will receive Thermal micro cautery using honey for two days (1st and 7th ) and placebo capsules for seven days, and Group B will receive Standard Physiotherapy and placebo capsules for seven days; Group C will be given Sida cordifolia oil via nasal administration with eight drops in each nostril and placebo capsules for seven days.
The result will be subjected to statistical analysis using appropriate methods.
Kshoudra Agnikarma, Standard Physiotherapy may be more efficacious than Shudhabala oil nasal administration in managing Frozen shoulder (Avabahuka) with more sustainability.
CTRI/2023/11/059594 ( clinical trial registry India)