Multiple mobility-related challenges frequently appear with aging. As a result, many older adults have difficulty getting around, to go, for example, to doctors’ appointments or leisure activities. Although various means of transportation are currently available, older adults do not necessarily use them, partly because they do not know which ones are adapted to their needs and preferences. To foster older adults’ autonomy and freedom in their decision-making about transportation, it is crucial to help them make informed decisions about the means that suit them best.
The aim of this study is to develop MOBILAINÉS, a one-stop platform transportation planning service to help older adults move around in their community where, when, and how they wish. More specifically, the study aims (1) to define older adults’ mobility needs and preferences in order to conceptualize the one-stop platform; (2) to co-create the prototype of the one-stop platform; and (3) to test the prototype with users in a real-life context.
A Living Lab co-design approach is used for this ongoing study. This approach differs from traditional research on aging by facilitating intersectoral knowledge sharing and innovative solutions by and with older adults themselves. A steering committee composed of 8 stakeholders from the public, scientific, and private sectors as well as older citizens meets quarterly throughout the study. The design comprises three phases, each with several iterative subphases. (1) Exploration: through co-design workshops and literature reviews, members of the intersectoral committee define older adults’ mobility needs and preferences to support the conceptualization of the one-stop platform. (2) Experimentation: four personas are produced that reflect the different needs and preferences of typical older adult end-users of the platform. To develop a prototype, scenarios, and mockups (static designs of the web application) are created through co-design sessions with older adults (n=12) embodying these personas. (3) Evaluation: to test the usability of the prototype, changes in mobility, such as the ability to move around and get to activities on time, will be documented by and with older adults (n=30) after using the prototype. The steering committee will identify ways to support the adoption, implementation and scaling up of MOBILAINÉS to ensure that the project is sustainable. Qualitative and quantitative data will be triangulated according to each subphase objective.
The first phase began in September 2019. The study is scheduled for completion by mid-2023.
This innovative one-stop platform transportation planning service will merge existing transportation options in one place. By meeting a wide variety of older adults’ needs and preferences, MOBILAINÉS will help them feel comfortable and safe when moving around, which should increase their participation in meaningful activities and reduce the risk of social isolation.