Use and perceptions of digital health wearables by college students: A survey research study (Preprint)


Alva Dianna,Martinez Lourdes,Crespo Noe,Walsh-Buhi Eric R.ORCID



For many emerging adults, the transition to college can mark a critical life stage with increased risk for weight gain and obesity, the results of which may bring early onset of chronic disease and mortality. Weight gain among college students is a well-documented phenomenon, with current estimates placing the prevalence of obesity among college students in the United States at around 30%. Digital wearable devices may offer a promising solution toward further addressing the issue of weight gain and obesity. Wearables are defined as devices, accessories or clothing items utilizing computer and electronic technology to track, monitor and/or detect symptoms, behaviors or other health outcomes, and include pedometers, Fitbits or other activity/sleep monitoring bands or devices and smart phone apps used for health tracking and goal-setting.


This paper reports on college students’ engagement with health tracking wearable devices including their specific device uses, intentions of use, satisfaction, and perception of benefits. We further explored characteristics of students who initiate and sustain use of their devices for longer than six months.


Participants included undergraduate students at a large, urban public university in the Southwestern USA in 2017. A cross-sectional survey was administered and assessed college students’ use and perceptions of health tracking wearables. Method: Descriptive statistics summarize the data on participants’ common responses to device use and perceptions. Bivariate correlations were employed to identify characteristics of respondents who initiate and sustain engagement.


86% of respondents currently or previously owned a digital health wearable device. Less than 1% reported that they have never owned a device and would not be interested in ever owning one. Cell phone apps were the most commonly used device, followed by fitness tracking bands. Devices were most frequently used to track steps or exercise routine (81%), diet, calories, or weight (54%), and sleep (26%). About half of wearable users (48%) reported that they share data they collect, socially, from their wearables. It was found that high perceived usefulness and satisfaction, exercise levels, and high perception of social norms were statistically significantly correlated with sustained use.


In using wearables among college students to promote long-term healthy behavior changes, there are opportunities to utilize the critical roles that perceived social norms and perceived usefulness of a device can have on one’s long-term behaviors while emphasizing any enjoyable user experiences created by these devices.


JMIR Publications Inc.







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