Evidence of How Physicians and Their Patients Adopt mHealth Apps in Germany: Exploratory Qualitative Study


Schroeder TanjaORCID,Haug MaximilianORCID,Georgiou AndrewORCID,Seaman KarlaORCID,Gewald HeikoORCID


Background The enactment of the “Act to Improve Healthcare Provision through Digitalisation and Innovation ” (Digital Healthcare Act; Digitale-Versorgung-Gesetz [DVG]) in Germany has introduced a paradigm shift in medical practice, allowing physicians to prescribe mobile health (mHealth) apps alongside traditional medications. This transformation imposes a dual responsibility on physicians to acquaint themselves with qualifying apps and align them with patient diagnoses, while requiring patients to adhere to the prescribed app use, similar to pharmaceutical adherence. This transition, particularly challenging for older generations who are less skilled with technology, underscores a significant evolution in Germany’s medical landscape. Objective This study aims to investigate physicians’ responses to this novel treatment option, their strategies for adapting to this form of prescription, and the willingness of patients to adhere to prescribed mHealth apps. Methods Using an exploratory qualitative study design, we conducted semistructured interviews with 28 physicians and 30 potential patients aged 50 years and older from August 2020 to June 2021. Results The findings reveal several factors influencing the adoption of mHealth apps, prompting a nuanced understanding of adoption research. Notably, both physicians and patients demonstrated a lack of information regarding mHealth apps and their positive health impacts, contributing to a deficiency in trust. Physicians’ self-perceived digital competence and their evaluation of patients’ digital proficiency emerge as pivotal factors influencing the prescription of mHealth apps. Conclusions Our study provides comprehensive insights into the prescription process and the fundamental factors shaping the adoption of mHealth apps in Germany. The identified information gaps on both the physicians’ and patients’ sides contribute to a trust deficit and hindered digital competence. This research advances the understanding of adoption dynamics regarding digital health technologies and highlights crucial considerations for the successful integration of digital health apps into medical practice.


JMIR Publications Inc.


Health Informatics

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