This paper deals with the curriculum design of Korean K-12 AI education. AI is the core technology of 4th wave and it is impact is wide and strong. Therefore, every country has s strong nurture system for AI manpower. However, there are few materials about curriculum design and operation experience documentation because AI was an interest since 2016, and its education is very new. In Korea, they started a program for teacher manpower education in 2020. Therefore, there is no manpower that had an experience in the design and operation of the K-12 AI curriculum. The AI curriculum is a core parameter for AI manpower. So, AI-advanced countries try to develop AI education methods. This paper analyzes the K-12 AI curriculum of the advanced countries, and then designs and suggests Korea’s K-12 AI curriculum.
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Engineering and Sciences Publication - BEIESP
Management of Technology and Innovation,General Engineering
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